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Tangina Stone

Collection of work done for Tangina Stone, from Single Art Covers to Social Media content. Showcasing below highlight projects.


Promotional Assets
Single Art Cover Design
Social Media Content


Tangina Stone



Tangina Stone - July 14th - Insta - 2018.06.24 -23.png
Dream Matter Tour for Tangina Stone, by Minah Desgins

Dream Matter

This academic branding design project sparked multiple collaborations between Minah Designs and Tangina Stone. The goal of the project was to create a visual identity for the artist on tour.

Carefull attention was placed on the music and the emotions it brings. Through discussions with the artist, academic research and design explorations, the illustrative style of pointilism was chosen to best represent the dream like sensations of the artist's music.


The name of the tour was elaborated to describe the artist and her music in two ways. On one hand she is made of aspiration material, of dream matter, and on the other, the music of her album Elevate speaks to the anxiety of realizing your ambitions and of facing adversity, just as you would in a dream, and in life.

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